AU Deals: 75 Bucks Off a Meta Quest 3S, Big Bites Out of V Rising, Ready or Not, and More! – IGN

I’ve got a much earlier edition of game deals for you today. Why? Because I have to head in to Publisher X to play several hours of Game Y. (Don’t worry, you’ll read all about it soon in article Z.) All that being said, let’s skip the preamble, get scrolling, and dive into the best gaming deals going today!
In retro news, I’ve cooked a bin chicken feast for the 32nd birthday of Streets of Rage 2, a seminal beat ’em up and massive personal favourite I played the cartridge pins off. Basically, you and a mate needed to go ever rightward on an ultra-violent rescue mission as one of two loose cannon cops, a spandex-clad wrestler, or the most ’90s kid ever (think: backwards hat, rollerblades). Not only were this sequel’s fisticuffs more technical than its rival to beat, Final Fight, Streets of Rage 2 boasted one of the most jam-pumping EDM soundtracks of its era. Seriously.
This Day in Gaming 🎂
Aussie birthdays for notable games.
– Streets of Rage 2 (MD) 1993. Get
– ESPN NBA 2K5 (PS2) 2005. eBay
– Army of Two: The 40th Day (PS3/P,X360) 2010. eBay
Table of Contents

Super Mario RPG
Super Mario RPG is considered a classic for a reason, and this wonderfully faithful remake makes it easy for anyone who missed it in the SNES era to see why. 8/10, great.
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Or gift a Nintendo eShop Card.
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Meta Quest 3S + Batman
Take it from a more than happy owner of one of these. The 3S a brilliant bit of kit and Batman is more or less a killer app (although you don’t actually kill as him).
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Or just get a Steam Wallet Card
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Multi-wise the maps are excellent, built to please almost everyone’s favourite gun styles. The meat and potatoes – moving quick and dishing out firepower – is aces this year; it’s fast without feeling too twitchy. 8/10, great.
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Or just invest in an Xbox Card.
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It Takes Two
A beautiful, breakneck-paced, and bubbling over with creativity co-op platformer, where playfulness and experimentation are rewarded at every turn. 9/10, amazing.
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PS+ Monthly Freebies
Yours to keep from Jan 7 with this subscription
- Suicide Squad: KTJL [PS5]
- NFS Hot Pursuit Remastered [PS4]
- The Stanley Parable: Ultra [PS4/5]
Or purchase a PS Store Card.
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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.